#8 Dwi’n trio dysgu Cymraeg

That is to say, I am trying to learn Welsh. For one thing I am truly blessed. I was lucky to have the best start in life. My parents gave me something special whether intentional or not. I was made in Wales, I was born in Wales, I was nurtured in Wales and I live in Wales. It’s about time I started conversing in the native tongue.

I love being Welsh, with it comes some very special traits….a sense of identity, a sense of pride and a whole lot of passion.

Being made in Wales means wearing goosebumps every single time the anthem sounds. Being made in Wales means that when you’re a man down you feel like you’re a man up. Being made in Wales is the ability to face adversity with a smile on your face and pride in your heart. Being made in Wales means a sense of belonging. Being made in Wales means you’re part of a big community. Being made in Wales means that no matter how many times you’re on the losing side, one day you will be a winner and when it happens it will be amazing! This is what it means to be made in Wales.

Time and determination are what’s needed to complete #8. So with a welsh course* downloaded onto the phone…Dwi’n trio dysgu Cymraeg.

Dydd Gwyl Dewi Hapus – Happy St David’s Day all. Time to get on with #29 Represent Wales.

*Say Something in Welsh website


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