#109 Get motivated

This has to be my favourite things on the list so far and I love the random nature of it. So without any further ado I give you #109 Get motivated! For me there is only one person to call upon to assist in ticking this one off.

Here is the attempt, I can but hope!

Mr Motivator,



I have a very random request, but I know you will help!

In short I’m looking for a general motivational message to quote on my blog and inspire others who may stumble across my ramblings. Having watched you on TV back in the 90’s I could think of no one better to provide it! The neverendinglist is a blog covering my midlife crisis and is in essence a list of random things to do, some for me and some for others! Hence this bizarre request. More can be found at www.neverendinglist.com (see #109 on the list).

I can offer you nothing in return other than a link back to your blog or tweets and the satisfaction that you will be the first celebrity to be featured (kudos indeed!). All I ask is that you send me through a motivational message that captures all of your motivational energy. Alternatively why not tweet me a message!

Thanking you in advance. Hope life is treating you well. Regards,


Come on Mr Motivator…you know what to do. Motivate me!

Update 6th January 2014 – it took a bit of time, but I knew Mr Motivator wouldn’t let me down 🙂


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