:: Personal Best

If someone had said to me 5 years ago that one day I would entering the Olympic Stadium in Amsterdam to the cheers of the crowd on the way to setting a new record for the marathon, I’d have been inclined to think of them as a little crazy! Amazingly though this is what actually happened last Sunday. I wasn’t winning the race and it wasn’t a new course record I was setting as I...

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:: I am One

Over the the last year the neverendinglist has become the first chapter in my own story. It started as a silly little blog, an outlet for some of the dreams in life that we talk about, but quickly forget as daily responsibilities stop us in our tracks, or procrastination prohibits us from acting upon our appetite for adventures. So as I celebrate the passing of the first year on the theoretical...

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#133 Find land

Any road of happiness needs to incorporate a voyage of exploration. Sadly, in the modern World there isn’t a whole lot left to discover anew. But a passage of personal discovery does still lie ahead. I’ve been getting itchy feet for a while and an urge to travel. However, responsibilities at home have meant I’ve had to reign in my readiness to roam and eagerness to explore....

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