:: A pint with Dad
A pint with Dad is not on the neverendinglist as it has already been done on many occasions, however it was only last night that I realised the true significance of this opportunity as we chatted over a glass or two of beery flavoured water. See my dad was never lucky enough to experience this simple act that I have taken for granted over the years.
As we lost ourselves in manchat amidst the backdrop of the weekly pub quiz, the conversation meandered through the usual topics until Dad started talking about his life, his childhood and the early years of his adulthood. Dad talked about the father son relationship he had with his father, years that I know far too little about. I could sense the pride in his voice as he talked about a man of great stature, I could sense how much he looked up to him and I could sense the disappointed that the relationship did not last longer as he asked me, “do you know how many times I went for a beer with my Dad?”. He didn’t answer the question with words, but instead slowly held up his hand bringing his thumb and forefinger together to make a zero with a look of sadness in his eye.
For all the things we strive for in our lives it is so so important to remember what we have got because there are some things that just can’t be replaced. I just hope that one day I will be lucky enough to have the opportunity to take my two boys for a pint at the pub.
Thanks for the chat Dad.