:: The big picture

I put this little post-it note up about 6 months ago and it has sat there taped to the kitchen wall ever since. These little notes have become synonymous with the neverendinglist and are dotted around the house forming some sort of massive notepad as I pen ideas in moments of inspiration. The problem is I’ve been struggling with inspiration for a picture fitting to adorn the wall in its place.

One of the things I’ve learned since kicking off my random little ‘to do’ list is that it has a tendency to tangent and yesterday I found a picture. A World wall map depicting all the countries across the globe. On the face of it an odd picture for the location, but after the commencing the World Peas initiative perhaps it is time to go global again and see if we really can start doing something with the life of citizen #78,304,433,060 and wander around the World that is my wall map. Can one man from a small town in Wales connect with people across the World in a common goal for good? The sceptic in me would say ‘No’, but the dreamer in me is shouting out a big ‘Yes’. It is just one quiet voice shouting at the moment, but ripples from a single stone thrown into a pond soon radiate, and maybe, just maybe if my message gathered momentum it might be possible to ripple from Afghanistan to Zimbabwe and Albania to Zambia.

By doing nothing it is certain that the outcome will be nothing, but if I make a start who knows what might happen and I like the uncertainty of that! If nothing else, perhaps I can paint my very own picture to hang on my very own wall. To be continued…..

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