:: The big picture

I put this little post-it note up about 6 months ago and it has sat there taped to the kitchen wall ever since. These little notes have become synonymous with the neverendinglist and are dotted around the house forming some sort of massive notepad as I pen ideas in moments of inspiration. The problem is I’ve been struggling with inspiration for a picture fitting to adorn the wall in its...

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#61 Carry no personal debt

What I have got, I have got. What I have not, I have not. Sunday gone I was lucky enough to have a piece I wrote featured on the personal finance website Get Rich Slowly* and it is something I am proud of if I’m honest. Whilst the neverendinglist is all about my journey through life, I have also been on a financial journey for the last few years after seeing the light in no uncertain...

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#142 Run 100 miles

One day I may run 100 miles in one go, but for the time being to knock off #142 on the list I’m going to harness the power of people and embrace the school of mathematics. Unfortunately I’m no Pythagoras, but I have come up with my own theorem to help with this challenge and whilst mine may be of little use to confirm the length of the hypotenuse of a right-angled triangle this...

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#77 Sail across a sea with the boys

Following our first foray into sailing a few years back it would have been easy to consign it to the done and dusted pile and get on with something more sensible and down to earth. Anyone who knows me will know that I struggle a bit with down to earth though and have a strong love of everything outdoors. It’s a trait that seems to have passed from father to sons. Although by no means a...

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#138 Take Dad to the TT

After having a pint with Dad recently it hit home that we should always make the most of our opportunities in life. Dad has always wanted to go to the Isle of Man TT races as he’s mad about bikes having spent a large chunk of his career riding them and a lot of leisure time tinkering with them. I’ll be honest, although I’m lucky enough to have experienced the TT races twice...

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